Tag Archive | 80/20

Pocket Fuel is here – 6.48 Miles

Pocket Fuel has arrived!

One of my favorite topics – energy gels! Based on quick research, Pocket Fuel is one of the favorite energy gels of either runners, trail runner or endurance sports athletes, such as triathletes and cyclists. Ben from BenGreenfeldFitness.com, which is one of the blogs that I came across not too long ago, talks about 12 fat-based alternatives to popular sugar-based sports energy gels out there, and Pocket Fuel definitely stood out.

pocket fuel  1 Read More…

Run at Dusk – 7.03 Miles

It was one of those days. Maybe it was because there’s only 7 1/2 weeks left to the Long Beach Marathon race day. Maybe it was because I was not really impressed by the last Monday’s long run overall result. Or maybe it was because my body just needed to sweat.

I just couldn’t wait to go home, put my running top and shorts on and just run. And so I did. Read More…